Pastor Charles Moore Blog


Sunday Morning - 10:45AM Worship Service | Sunday Evening - 6pm Fellowship and Bible Study | Wednesday - 5:45PM Kid's quest and Crossfire Youth

The latest From Charles Moore 

Pastor Chrles Moore of First Baptist Church of Shady Acres says Thank You visiting our website and his blog. You'll find information such as announcements, sermon notes and thoughts from our pastor to encourage and challenge your walk with the Lord.


by: Bro. Charles Moore



    As we continue in our study of Habakkuk, please recognize the lifestyles not pleasing to God and flee from them, as they are the roots of destruction for all men.

    Habakkuk 2:6-20 lists the lifestyles of the wicked and shares them with us. I urge you to identify any part of any one of these lifestyles that may have seeped into your life and rid it from your life.

God listed these natural-man lifestyles specifically to give us warning.

    I have added the admonition of

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Righteous Justice of God

by: Bro. Charles Moore



    Our study of Habakkuk reveals continued truth that all mankind struggles with issues of faith.  Like Habakkuk, we question God concerning His actions regarding justice (fairness) toward us.

    Our topic today reminds us that God’s actions result from His eternal view of time and our lack of understanding is based on our earthly view of time.  God acts through the lens of eternity while we are limited to today’s needs.

    I look forward to our time in His Word and I inv

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God's Character

by: Bro. Charles Moore



    Understanding the one and only God is essential to every believer.  We must know the essential character traits of the God we worship and serve.

    I pray you will join us this Sunday as we look at the true and living God’s character.


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Happy Mother's Day

by: Bro. Charles Moore



    Mother’s Day is perhaps the most well-deserved of all holidays.  A godly mother and grandmother certainly deserve our love, respect, and honor.  Their devoted work is never complete and extremely tiring.  Their love most closely resembles agape love that is found in scripture.

    Please join me this Sunday in expressing our love and respect for motherhood.  May all of us join in honoring our mothers and grandmothers for their special love they have for each of us.


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The Word of God

by: Bro. Charles Moore



    The greatest treasure of mankind is the revealed, complete and perfect Word of God. It provides the marching orders of God to His people for living the life of peace.

I urge you to commit your life to His commands. Only then, will you find peace, comfort and satisfaction with life. Set aside daily time for prayer, Bible study and meditation upon the Word of God.

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The Spirit of the Lord is active!

by: Bro. Charles Moore



        What a joy it was for us to be renewed by the baptisms of Kris and Savaya.  Baptism is the sign of teaching and witnessing of the Church. (Mt. 28:19-20)

    How thankful I am for you, (the Church).  The Spirit of the Lord is active and alive among you.  Please pray that we continue to seek the Lord’s will in all that we do.  Only then will He continue to bless First Baptist Church of Shady Acres.



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by: Bro. Charles Moore



Please join with me in celebration of the ordinance of baptism.  Believer’s baptism marks the salvation experience and commitment of believers to follow Jesus.

    We must give thanks to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

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God Is Moving!

by: Bro. Charles Moore



           I am so excited about what God is doing in our Church.  His Spirit is moving among us and many are coming to Him in faith and rededication.

           Please join with me in giving thanks and praying for His continued moving in our midst.  Give thanks for what we are witnessing and glorify Him for His mercy and grace.


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by: Bro. Charles Moore



           What joy we experienced Easter Sunday.  The wonderful news of Jesus’ resurrection and the coming day when our resurrection is complete inspires us to live daily in anticipation of His coming.

           I pray that our enthusiasm will not diminish and that we will actively encourage and support one another as we grow in Christ.


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Easter Sunday

by: Bro. Charles Moore



           Easter Sunday is the most precious day of the Church calendar and should be the favorite day of every believer.  Christ’s resurrection is the illustration of resurrection day for every believer.  Paul reminds us in (1 Thess. 4) of our resurrection on the day of His return.

           As we look forward to His return may we live by His Word, serve Him, and love others as He loved us.  Have a wonderful Easter and reflect on the day of your resurrection.



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Dean Frankum Remembrance

by: Bro. Charles Moore



             I received a message this week that reminded me of the hope we have as brothers and sisters in Christ.  The passing of Susan and Twyla’s father, Dean Frankum, was sad, yet inspiring because of His love for the Lord.

           He was my friend and brother in Christ.  He was Pentecostal, I’m Baptist.  Because we both loved the Lord we were brothers.  Denominations are important but the family of God is not about denominations.  The family of God is about faith i

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Pray that we would be the Church He desires us to be!

by: Bro. Charles Moore



             I’m so thankful for Paul’s letter to the Thessalonians.  In this letter we see the true nature of the Church.  It mirrors the human family and truly represents the traits of family.  Love, care, concern, and guidance are discovered in Paul’s letter to the fledgling Church.

             The love of God for all mankind is on display in the Church that His Son gave His life to birth.  Paul’s letter reminds us of our spiritual heritage and how we are to bond with o

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Are you listening to the message or are you preoccupied with what's going on around you. Or, perhaps you are making excuses for going to sleep during the sermon?

by: Charles Moore



Today I am addressing a topic that many find offensive. Listening to the sermon! Jesus addressed many of the religious leaders of His day and many who desired to understand Him with the words of Matthew 13:15, " For this people's heart has grown dull, and with their ears they can barely hear, and their eyes they have closed, lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears and understand with their heart and turn , and I would heal them." Today, in many church...
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Are You an Evangelist?

by: Bro. Charles Moore



           As we continue our walk through 1 Thessalonians we continue to learn lessons about building the Church of Jesus Christ.  We learn in 1 Corinthians 1:4-10 the truth concerning personal evangelism and the Church.  Personal evangelism is God’s plan for Church growth.

 I encourage each believer to search their hearts and discover the truth about their desire to share God’s Word with those around them.  The Church only grows when we all are sharing what Jesus has done

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Join us as we journey through 1 Thessalonians

by: Bro. Charles Moore



Today's sermon on the church reminds me of my freshman year of college when I began the basics of education.  All the courses started with the numbers 101.  In other words, the beginning of a journey.

This Biblical series of sermons from 1 Thessalonians leads us on a journey through Church life.  It is my prayer that you will join with me in discovering its wonderful truths for the next eleven sermons.

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