Righteous Justice of God


Sunday Morning - 10:45AM Worship Service | Sunday Evening - 6pm Fellowship and Bible Study | Wednesday - 5:45PM Kid's quest and Crossfire Youth

by: Bro. Charles Moore



    Our study of Habakkuk reveals continued truth that all mankind struggles with issues of faith.  Like Habakkuk, we question God concerning His actions regarding justice (fairness) toward us.

    Our topic today reminds us that God’s actions result from His eternal view of time and our lack of understanding is based on our earthly view of time.  God acts through the lens of eternity while we are limited to today’s needs.

    I look forward to our time in His Word and I invite everyone to come and join us in worship of the righteous justice (fairness) of the eternal God.


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    Our study of Habakkuk reveals continued truth that all mankind struggles with issues of faith.  Like Habakkuk, we question God concerning His actions regarding justice (fairness) toward us.

    Our topic today reminds us that God’s actions result from His eternal view of time and our lack of understanding is based on our earthly view of time.  God acts through the lens of eternity while we are limited to today’s needs.

    I look forward to our time in His Word and I invite everyone to come and join us in worship of the righteous justice (fairness) of the eternal God.


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