Operation Christmas Child


Sunday Morning - 10:45AM Worship Service | Sunday Evening - 6pm Fellowship and Bible Study | Wednesday - 5:45PM Kid's quest and Crossfire Youth

Our Goal is 400 Boxes!

We need the following items:

  • Spiral Notebooks 5-14 year olds
  • Blue/Black pens 10-14 year olds
  • Coloring Books 2-9 year olds
  • Crayolas every box
  • Pencil sharpener every box
  • erasers every box
  • combs every box
  • bar soap every box
  • washcloth every box
  • toothbrush every box
  • pencil every box
  • rulers every box


-girls hair accessories  -beads-socks                 

-solid deodorant (no liquid)

-boys and girls toys      -sewing kits         

-hats/mittens/wraps   -small balls
