Shady Acres Missions


Sunday Morning - 10:45AM Worship Service | Sunday Evening - 6pm Fellowship and Bible Study | Wednesday - 5:45PM Kid's quest and Crossfire Youth

Missions · Reaching our community for Christ

First Baptist Church of Shady Acres is fully committed to seeing

the Gospel spread throughout our community and the world.

If you would like more information about our mission efforts, please contact us

We are dedicated to having community events through out the year

and invite you to come and enjoy the fellowship and activities. 

These activities will range from Holiday based events

Movie Nights 

Community Wide Prayer Breakfast 

Valetines Banquet 

Food Pantry and Food Truck 

Back To School Bash 

These are just a few. Watch for more and exciting community events happening in Shady Acres. 

Prayer needed!

Please join us as we pray for our schools.  Our children and the adults that play a part in their education need prayer.

Learn More